What Do Remote Starts Cost
What Do Remote Starts Cost Installed in Kansas City?
It depends on your car and what features you need or expect before you can get an accurate price. Its like shoes. There isn’t one size that fits all feet. For some older cars and a few base model newer vehicles a remote start can be installed for as low as $199.99 + tax complete.
Customers Buying A Remote Start
Busy Installing Remote Starters in our 5 Bay Garage
More on Pricing:
However, most newer vehicles have factory security systems or other electronic systems that require specialized additional parts like immobilizer bypass modules which we stock. These parts are necessary to make your car’s electronics talk to and work with the remote starter. So, on most newer cars needing a module or special parts remote start prices start from $229 on up. For this reason to insure you don’t pay more than you have to its important to shop with an expert. Call Us at 816-356-8700 for a quote on your car.
Anyone can quote a low price just to get you in the door, but that won’t help you when you go to buy. Therefor we’ll always try to give you as accurate a quote as we can over the phone. Occasionally situations arise where we may need to see the car to be completely accurate on price.
National Auto Sound & Security has over 100 years combined experience on staff to serve you. All things being equal, wouldn’t you want an expert to work on your car?
When can you install a remote starter for me?
How about TODAY. Even though we offer the highest quality installation available, you don’t need an appointment if you are purchasing a new system. We take walk-ins every day. An average remote start system takes about two to three hours to install. However when we are busy, like around the holidays, we may not be able to start on your new purchase right away or even that day. You may need to drop the vehicle off or schedule it to drop off another day.
Should I buy my remote car starter online?
NO Way! … But why not? Because when all is said and done you don’t really save money, you end up with no local service or local warranty at all and you’ll often get the wrong parts. Here’s why:
- A remote start takes special skill and experience to install. Unless you are one of those rare individuals that is comfortable with car electronics we don’t recommend self installation. You will need to know where to access each wire’s hook-up under your dash, and how to program the parts. In short leave it to the experts.
- The remote start installation can be expensive and few places do it. The average cost to install your
Knowing How to Do It Right
online remote start purchase is between $150 and $200. This doesn’t count special parts which can average $50 to $120 or more per vehicle. So even if you buy one cheap by the time you add the installation price, it’s not that cheap anymore. By the way “cheap” can also mean cheap quality and no service. As a result, combined costs will often be about what we charge for our remote start systems. And we include local service plus a complete local warranty on all parts and labor.
- Many name brand manufacturers will not warranty their product unless it is installed by an authorized dealer.
Often buying a product online won’t give you that warranty. Even if you find an “authorized” dealer to install it for you, you didn’t buy it from them. Therefor they won’t guarantee your product and won’t service it for free if something goes wrong in the future. What happens if your remote start has a problem? Not only will no one work on it for free but also if it is defective you’ll have to send it back yourself at your expense. Then you’ll have to pay someone to re-install it more than 30 days later after it’s finally exchanged.
- What good are warranty promises from internet sellers? How will that help you when you need service? And probably none of them will help you after 30 days anyway. What about the hassles involved with removing your remote starter, boxing it up, shipping it back and waiting to see when or if it will be exchanged. Then you will have to have it installed again. And what if the problem wasn’t the remote start at all, but your own lack of installation ability and knowledge to solve an install problem. In that case your returned or “repaired” remote start still won’t work. All because you have no local warranty service or lack expert installation.
- You often end up buying the wrong thing or are missing parts you thought were included. Often the online
Do you have all the right parts?
dealer won’t really know what product will work best with your car. And even when they give you assurances your purchase is complete often they’re wrong. In effect you do end up needing more or different parts. They don’t actually know, nor do they have the training and experience to know what you need. They don’t install and your car isn’t in their garage. So your great deal turns out not to be so great. We see this every week during the winter. People think they are buying what they need online when they’re not. If we make a mistake like this we will simply exchange the part in our store at the time. However with your online purchase it’s an unnecessary hassle to have to send stuff back to where you bought it.
Our prices already include quality installation, parts, and local warranty support. You get a better deal, period.
And absolutely, if you love somebody, DON’T give them an online remote start purchase as a gift unless you plan to pay for their installation. Otherwise you will just be giving them a giant headache or pain in the you know what. Over the years we have seen so many people come into our store with their online or Wall-Mart type “gift” remote start. Many just end up giving it to someone else or leaving it in their closet or behind the seat of their pickup. They don’t want to pay the added expense to install their “gift”.
More Remote Start Questions Answered. Click HERE
*Telephone quotes are as close as we can get over the phone and are usually pretty accurate. However, prices can differ because tech notes on your vehicle may reveal parts or labor we were not aware of when we first quoted. Remote start installation on some cars can be very technical. With the volume of calls we receive, it is not possible to read the tech notes on each vehicle when you call for a quote, especially around the busy holiday season. We quote the best we can based on our knowledge and experience.